A Shared Reparations Conversation on the 1884 Berlin Conference
140 years ago, the Berlin Conference of 1884/1885 led to the artificial division of Africa, to violent imperial rule, legitimised expulsion and plunder, and to neocolonial exploitation to this day.
The Secretariat of the Pan-Afrikan Reparations Internationalist Standing Conference invites you to the AEPPPRADIF: The Afrika and Europe People-to-People’s Planet Repairs Action Dialogue Internationalist Forum for reparatory justice.
15:00 – Welcome, Registration, and Refreshments
17:00 – Opening Ceremony with African Libation
18:00 – Introductory Speech
18:30 – Messages and Greetings from across the World
19:30 – Key Note Guest Speakers Openings
20:30 – Reception
10:00 – Opening Plenary: Reparatory Justice Interconnexions of Planet Repairs
12:00 – Lunch Break
13:30 – Workshops
Workshop I: Education for Planet Repairs
Workshop II: Community Regenerative Unity for Planet Repairs
Workshop III: InterFaith Harmonisation for Planet Repairs
18:00 – Reception
10:00 – Workshops Action Planning
12:00 – Lunch Break
13:30 – Closing Plenary Session
Spore Initative
Hermannstraße 86
Berlin, Germany
Why this event now?
The Berlin Conference, which began on 15 November 1884 is understood as one of the key events in Europe’s colonial history, the culmination of the so-called scramble for Africa by European imperial powers. The negotiated artificial division of Africa among Europe’s colonial powers led to the supposed legitimisation and formalisation of violent colonial rule, expulsion and exploitation. To this day, the event has had massive political, economic and social consequences for the formerly colonised. An example of the harm of the 1884-1885 Berlin Conference for the partition of Afrika is the European imperialist conquest, disempowerment and exploitative underdevelopment of the dismembered indigenous Gbetowo nation of Gbeduko, which is divided by the colonial borders of present-day Ghana, Togo, Benin and Nigeria in West Afrika. Such examples abound throughout the entire continent and diaspora of Afrika today.
Higher rising Pan-Afrikan internationalist consciousness within the grassroots of the indigenous and other communities of resistance throughout the continent and diaspora of Afrika, the dire necessity for reparatory solutions to the problems of neocolonialism, and more so the persisting coloniality still arising out of the divisive legacies of the 1884-1885 Berlin Conference, encouraged putting forward the idea of the AEPPPRADIF: the Afrika and Europe People-to-Peoples’ Planet Repairs Action Dialogue Internationalist Forum.
The conceptualisation of what has become the AEPPPRADIF was first mooted in September 2019 by Gbetowo Scholar-Activists during their Rematriation planning of building their own autonomous glocal Ablodenunyansa Communiversity as their own cross-border unifying Reparatory Justice initiative for the Decolonization of Education in pursuit of the Pan-Afrikan Internationalist promotion of what is now called the Planet Repairs Action Learning Educational Revolution (PRALER).
The resounding of this call for organising the AEPPPRADIF received support from the October 2023 United Kingdom Afrikan Reparations Conference (UKARC2023) that was convened in London, under the auspices of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Afrikan Reparations (APPG-AR), led by its Co-Founder and Chairperson Bell Ribeiro-Addy, a Labour Party Member of the British Houses of Parliament, whose parents originated from Ghana.
What are Planet Repairs?
Who are we?
The practical organisational work of the AEPPPRADIF has been taken up by the Secretariat of the Pan-Afrikan Reparations Internationalist Standing Conference (PARISC), which emerged out of the UKARC2023 as an autonomous permanent Civil Society working Spearhead of glocal Reparatory Justice Positive Action for Planet Repairs. The PARISC is seeking to harmonise, for this purpose, mutually beneficial cooperation between various contingents of the International Social Movement for Afrikan Reparations (ISMAR) and the Peoples’ Reparations International Movement (PRIM).
The PARISC is increasingly attracting and drawing into the AEPPPRADIF organisational process more enthusiasts not only from indigenous and other Afrikan Communities of Resistance, such as Scholar-Activists of the Akwansranimdie Communiversity of the Akan nation; but also those in the newly emerged Alliance of Sahel States (AES), who are making gains in eradicating the colonial borders of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger that had been preventing the Reparatory Justice restoration of the unity, sovereignty and dignity of their indigenous nations for Self-Determination towards complete Liberation to achieve Planet Repairs. Likewise, more interest in the AEPPPRADIF is growing among Communities, organisations and networks of progressive forces that are working in and beyond Europe, Asia, Abya Yala, Oceania and other parts of the World to advance their own endeavours of Decolonization towards our common goals for successfully achieving in Just Peace our Rendezvous of Planet Repairs Victory.
The AEPPPRADIF is meant to be systematically developed, under the PARISC auspices, into a Quinquennial Convention of Delegates from indigenous and other Afrikan Communities, as well as those from European and other Communities all over the World, who earnestly share genuine Planet Repairs interest in honest Reparatory Justice Dialogue to effectively tackle the legacies of the 1884-1885 Berlin Conference with principled Co-Liberation commitment to true People-to-Peoples’ Internationalist Solidarity for a Just Peace that will ensure Global Justice for all.
The following is the current composition of the AEPPPRADIF-GAB:
Co-Principal Coordinators:
Kofi Mawuli Klu, London, United Kingdom;
Laura Kotzur, Berlin Germany.
Dr. Tobias Muller, Hamburg, Germany; and Cambridge, United Kingdom;
Akorfa Mawutordzor Gakpa, Accra, Ghana;
Lanyo Pascal Kwame, Lume, Volta Region, Ghana;
Aicha Sow, London, United Kingdom;
Kobina Amokwandoh, London, United Kingdom;
Marina Tricks, London, United Kingdom.